Kerrie Forster has developed a range of Emergency Flash Cards covering a number of different commercial sectors and industries, the project began with Workboats and now also includes a Ports and Harbours edition. Thanks goes out to the Seafarers Charity, The Workboat Association, Port Skills and Safety and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy for their support and collaboration.

Use these flashcards to help develop communication and teamwork, evolve safety management systems and support diverse emergency drills, both on board and ashore.

Workboat: Emergency Flash Cards – Available now!

Each pack contains:

  • 45 x Specifically designed flash cards (Bridge size, 56w x 88h mm)
  • Instructions card
  • Contact and support card
  • Durable plastic box

Ports and Harbours: Emergency Flash Cards – Available via Port Skills & Safety

Each pack contains:

  • 49 x Specifically designed flash cards (Bridge size, 56w x 88h mm)
  • Instructions card
  • Contact and support card
  • Durable plastic box

“We used the cards as a desktop exercise initially for our shoreside team, where we found that they prompted conversations outside of the standard response module, especially by throwing in the red card (the team have dubbed this the ‘Wild Card’ now).

But the most effective use we found for these was during recruitment into roles where emergency response would be part of the function as a ‘think on your feet’ style activity to understand better how a candidate responds under pressure (a time limit on response has helped here too) and to understand thought process in these events.” – Red Funnel.

Wind Power: Emergency Flash Cards – In development

Each pack contains:

  • Specifically designed flash cards (Bridge size, 56w x 88h mm)
  • Instructions card
  • Contact and support card
  • Durable plastic box

All cards are made from sustainable resources (FSC certified), and are lacquer coated to prevent moisture damage and provide long durability

Purchase? Direct message me from the contact page